Het Zakelijke Hart

Teamwork, also when it rains!

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Teamwork, also when it rains!

I assume that everyone knows the Gene Kelly song, Singin’ in the Rain.

If not, you can watch it below.

We can learn something from it.

The epitome of being happy in rainy circumstances

Grace Kelly and Singing in the Rain

It is possible to do great teamwork, even when it rains.

How can create circumstances in which you share the same passion?

Or the same dream.

As long as you truly want to it is possible.

Check that everyone has the appropriate rain gear.

Adjust the work to fit rainy circumstances.

And make sure you share sufficient and timely provisions with the team when you need to wait a little while under your umbrellas for a big shower to pass by.

More inspiration

Watch this piece of art.

Can you feel their joy?

Their passion?

I saved below clip quite some time ago and just loved the combination of the seemingly hopeless scenery, the moves and the message of beauty, grace, hope AND teamwork that it contains. 


It’s all a matter of perspective!

Does it rain or are we having fun as a team?

Teamwork also when it rains!
What kind of ‘art’ does your team create?

Let’s finish with some more beautiful, funny, crazy, cute, astonishing, amazing, creative, inventive and more, ART.

Have you have heard of this great project called Street Art Utopia?

Must see if you have never heard of it!

If only . . .

  • we are able to look at our surroundings and circumstances differently.
  • we are able to sing & dance in the ‘rain’.
  • we can see beauty where it seems, only chaos, garbage and dilapidation rule.

Gene Kelly can dance in the rain

Those kids could dance in the rain

Can you?

Are you a solo entrepreneur or SME with a team? Want to know I can help you with (team)coaching, running a sustainable business and accomplishing results that matter, click here for an overview in English. 

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